

From October 27, 2023 until October 29, 2023
Sinsinatis – Šaronvilio konferencijų centras, Ohajas, JAV
(Prieš dalyvaudami dar kartą patikrinkite datas ir vietą oficialioje svetainėje toliau.)
Žymos: Žaidimų

CinCityCon TableTop Gaming Convention, October 27-29, 2023 Sharonville Convention Center, Sharonville, OH

Order your badges today! CinCityCon 2020 will not require any vaccinations or masks. CinCityCon Tabletop Gaming Con 2022. We are counting down!

Welcome to CinCityCon! The dates for this year are October 27-29 2023. CinCityCon is returning to the Sharonville Convention Center, off Highway 75 at exit 15.
We are a diverse group of people who enjoy playing games such as board games, cards games, role-playing games, social games...
There will be many events involving board games and RPGs over the weekend, including:.

The Ohio Govt. or the CDC may make significant recommendations that could change this. At this time, there are no specific requirements. Refunds will be given to badge holders if there are any changes.

Please be aware that these hours may change based on the availability of volunteers and space.

The Sharonville Convention Center will host the CinCityCon Tabletop Gaming Convention from Oct. 7 to 9. 2022. CinCityCon is not only known as a friendly RPG and board gaming convention, but also hosts a number of excellent events. There will be a lot of Learn to Play activities, Play to Win Games, a 1000+ board game library, and cosplay.

There will be many tournaments, including a Catan National Qualifier and Tiny Towns. We'll also have the Envoy Regional Tournaments. Rob will host several tournaments, including Ticket to Ride, Kingdomino (a few versions), Sagrada and El Dorado. They will have all had learn-to-play sessions prior to Catan.

Hitai: 1473

Registruokitės bilietams ar kasoms

Please register at the official website of CinCityCon

Vietos žemėlapis ir viešbučiai aplinkui

Sinsinatis – Šaronvilio konferencijų centras, Ohajas, JAV Sinsinatis – Šaronvilio konferencijų centras, Ohajas, JAV


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